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역량중심의학교육(Competency-based medical education, CBME)

Meded. 2022. 12. 14. 07:30
'하나 이상의 의료 역량에 대한 정해진 수준의 숙련도를 목표로 하는 의료 전문직을 위한 교육'
근본적으로 졸업성과능력을 지향하고, 사회 및 환자 요구 분석에서 도출된 역량을 중심으로 조직되는, 실제 의료행위를 위해 의사를 준비하는 접근 방식.
시간-기반 교육을 중요시 하지 않으며, 그보다는 더 높은 책무성, 유연성 및 학습자 중심성을 기약한다.
Competency-based medical education has been defined as ‘education for the medical profession that is targeted at a fixed level of proficiency in one or more medical competencies’6 and ‘an approach to preparing physicians for practice that is fundamentally oriented to graduate outcome abilities and organised around competencies derived from an analysis of societal and patient needs; it de-emphasises time- based training and promises greater accountability, flexibility, and learner-centredness’.

출처: Touchie, C., & ten Cate, O. (2016). The promise, perils, problems and progress of competency‐based medical education. Medical education, 50(1), 93-100.