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문화적 역량(Cultural Competence)

Meded. 2022. 12. 14. 07:03
다문화적 상황에서 효과적인 작업이 가능하도록 어떤 시스템, 조직, 또는 전문직  사이에서 합쳐진 일련의 일치된 행동, 지식, 태도 및 정책의 집합
This change will require that tomorrow’s physicians possess a high degree of cultural competence, which has been defined as “a set of congruent behaviors, knowledge, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, organization, or among professionals that enables effective work in cross-cultural situations.”43


출처: Mahon, K. E., Henderson, M. K., & Kirch, D. G. (2013). Selecting tomorrow’s physicians: the key to the future health care workforce. Academic Medicine, 88(12), 1806-1811.