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내용분석 (content analysis)

Meded. 2022. 12. 10. 07:11
- 명확한 코딩 규칙에 기초하여 많은 텍스트 단어를 더 적은 내용 범주압축하는 체계적이고 복제 가능한 기술
- 메시지의 특정 특성을 객관적이고 체계적으로 식별함으로써 추론을 만드는 기술
Content analysis has been defined as a systematic, replicable technique for compressing many words of text into fewer content categories based on explicit rules of coding (Berelson, 1952; GAO, 1996; Krippendorff, 1980; and Weber, 1990).
Holsti (1969) offers a broad definition of content analysis as, "any technique for making inferences by objectively and systematically identifying specified characteristics of messages" (p. 14) 


출처: Stemler, S. (2000). An overview of content analysis. Practical assessment, research, and evaluation, 7(1), 17.