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초국가적(Transnational) 교육 및 역량

Meded. 2022. 12. 10. 07:05
- 지역적 필요에 맞춘 국제 학생들, 국제 교사들, 국제 커리큘럼의 교차점
- 글로벌 이주의 맥락에서 건강을 다루는 의료 훈련
Transnational education is defined as ‘the intersection of international students, international teachers, and an international curriculum customized to local needs’ (Harden 2006),
while ‘transnational competence’ refers to the medical training that addresses health in the context of global migration (Koehn & Swick 2006).


출처: McLean, M., Cilliers, F., & Van Wyk, J. M. (2008). Faculty development: yesterday, today and tomorrow. Medical teacher, 30(6), 555-584.