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Meded. 2022. 12. 15. 07:02
[특정 주제]에 대해 [말할 수 있는 것과 말할 수 없는 것을 정의]하는 [허용적 사회적 경계]를 포함하는 [제도화된 믿음, 사고 및 행동 방식]
‘Discourse’, a term used by many in the social sciences and humanities disciplines, can play a central role in regulating social institutional practices, including the valuing and justification of certain actions over others. Discourse can be defined as an institutionalised way of believing, thinking and acting that includes allowing social boundaries to define what can and cannot be said about a particular topic.7

출처: Razack, S., Hodges, B., Steinert, Y., & Maguire, M. (2015). Seeking inclusion in an exclusive process: discourses of medical school student selection. Medical education, 49(1), 36-47.