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자기주도학습(Self-Directed Learning, SDL)

Meded. 2022. 12. 11. 07:59
 [프로그래밍된 학습에 참여하는 것]에서부터 [매슬로의 자기실현적인 개인과 같은 고도로 지시된 자기 학습자의 자기 주도적이고 계획적인 활동]에 이르기까지 다양한 행동들.
▣ 학습자가 주도적으로 다른 사람의 지원과 협력을 받는 과정
다른 사람의 도움이 있거나 없는 상태에서, 개인이 주도적으로 자신의 학습 요구를 진단하고, 학습 목표를 수립하며, 학습을 위한 인적 및 물적 자원을 식별하고, 적절한 학습 전략을 선택 및 구현하고, 학습 결과를 평가하는 과정.

Campbell et al1 define SDL as behaviors that range from participation in programmed learning to the self- initiated, self-planned activities of such highly directed self-learners as Maslow’s self-actualizing individuals.2,3

Hammond and Collins4 describe SDL as a process in which learners take the initiative, with the support and collaboration of others.

But we believe the concept of SDL is best captured by Knowles5 as a process in which individuals take the initiative, with or without the help of others, in diagnosing their learning needs, formulating learning goals, identifying human and material resources for learning, choosing and implementing appropriate learning strategies, and evaluating learning outcomes." 

출처: Premkumar, K., Pahwa, P., Banerjee, A., Baptiste, K., Bhatt, H., & Lim, H. J. (2013). Does medical training promote or deter self-directed learning? A longitudinal mixed-methods study. Academic Medicine, 88(11), 1754-1764.